Buy Cheap Robinair 16600 Electronic Leak Detector

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The is an electronic leak detector used to detect refrigerant leaks in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. It features a sensitivity selection switch which allows it to be used with CFCs and HCFCs at one setting and HFCs at the other. The unit is able to detect leaks smaller than 1/2 ounce per year. Other features include audible and visual leak indicators, a volume control, a threshold balancing control and a 16 inch gooseneck probe, which holds its position for one-handed operations. When the unit is not being used, the probe wraps into a retaining clip on the back of the case.

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Amazing! you can Buy Robinair 16600 Electronic Leak Detector Sale Best Price. Purchase Online & Get Amazing Promotion Now Available In Stock & Ship with Super Saver Shipping. Robinair 16600 Electronic Leak Detector Shop and Buy Online - At Lowest Pirce You will Get Big Surprice!

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Technical Details

- Used to detect refrigerant leaks in air conditioning and refrigeration systems
- Unit is able to detect leaks smaller than 1/2 ounce per year
- Used for all CFC HCFC and HFC refrigerants
- Uses corona discharge technology
- Audible and visual leak indicators
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Buy Robinair 16600 Electronic Leak Detector Now